Follow These 10 Important Fire Safety Rules for your Home

I have always been afraid of fire and that was because of an issue I faced as a child. I was caught my dress on fire, which might not have harmed me physically, thanks to my parents’ quick reactions, but that incident just scarred me for life. So, when I first thought of constructing my dream house from the scratch with help from experts, the first safety point that crossed my mind is to protect my place from fire. I even did my research on that from YouTube and came across video namely Safety Tips - Preventing Fires in the Home, which helped me understand the process well and use the same to make my place safe.

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Here, I am ready to share 10 of the most promising facts associated with fire safety with you that I have learned recently.

  1. First of all, you have to be very sure of the wiring and electrical lines you are dealing with. Open wires or wires closely connected can cause short circuit, resulting in fire.
  2. I would also ask you to use case for the wiring lines. The last thing you want is to let wire comes in connection with water. If you don’t want that, log online, buy some cases and start working on that.
  3. Never ever keep gas cylinders beside one another. Always remember that it takes a lot of time and money to work on the house, so you don’t just want to blow it off right away just like that and as easily.
  4. Spray painting your house with the Fire Retardant Paints is another important point that you have to deal with. Yes, it will cost you few bucks more but trust me; it is all worth the pennies you have invested for the lot.
  5. Make sure to keep the numbers of fire fighters handy. You never know when you might need them for help, so calling them immediately when need arises is a good choice for you to make.
  6. If you have a fireplace, make sure to cover it for good. A simple air blow might force fire particles to move around your house and catch the rug on fire.
  7. If you have little kids at your place, make sure to keep matches and lighter away from them. You don’t want them to hurt themselves or the surrounding areas.
  8. You should always keep the hot rods under cover when not in use. This will prevent any further accidents from taking place.
  9. Try to use metallic doors and windows if you want to safeguard your rooms and don’t want the fire to spread that easily.
  10. Don’t keep loose papers and hays around the house. Always remember that a simple matchstick has the power to light up an entire stack of paper or hay and ruin your houses to the ashes.

Read More: Why You Really Need (A) Fire Resistant Paint for homes Safety